Pre-Surgery Instructions

Drink plenty of water the day before surgery until bedtime. Do not eat or drink anything (including water, gum and mints) after midnight the night before your surgery, unless you are instructed to do otherwise. Undigested food in your stomach can cause serious complications. See instruction for children up to two under the pediatric section.

If you are a diabetic or take medications for your heart or for other specific conditions, you will be given specific instructions what to do the day of your surgery.

Arrange for a responsible adult to accompany you to the Center, receive discharge instructions, drive you home and stay with you until the morning following your surgery. For your own safety and protection, you will not be allowed to drive home. Taking a taxi home by yourself will not be allowed. You must have someone to accompany you. The only exception to this is for patients having a local anesthetic only (numbing medicine).

For all females under the age of 55, we may need a urine sample the morning of surgery after you check in. If there is a possibility that you are pregnant, please notify your doctor and our nursing and anesthesia personnel.

Please report to your doctor any changes in your health between your recent visit to your doctor and the day of your procedure, such as an elevated temperature, cough, or cold.

Leave all jewelry, cash and valuables at home or with the person accompanying you. We also suggest you wear casual, loose clothing. During your surgery you will wear a gown provided by the surgery center.

Refraining from smoking before your surgery will enhance your healing.

Shower the night before or the morning of surgery to minimize the chance of infection. If you are having foot or ankle surgery, thoroughly cleanse your foot the night before and the morning of your surgery with an antibacterial soap.

Do not wear lotions or any makeup, especially eye mascara and/or false eyelashes. Brush your teeth but avoid swallowing the water.

If having surgery on an arm or leg, please remove all nail polish from that extremity.

Should you need reading glasses or contacts to read and sign documents, please bring the appropriate containers and/or soaking solutions with you.

Day of Surgery


It is important that you arrive at the Overland Park Surgery Center one hour before your procedure unless you are instructed otherwise. Please remember to bring your photo ID, your insurance card and accepted method of payment for any money due at the time of registration.

What to Expect:

You will be asked to sign a consent form, which verifies that you and your doctor have discussed the surgery to be performed as well as the associated risks.

During pre-admission, the pre-op assessment nurse will complete verification of the correct patient, correct procedure and correct operative site by:

  • Consulting with you and/or your representative
  • Confirming that your consent form is complete
  • Confirming "patient, procedure and site" with the physician's documentation

The staff will verify who you are, what kind of surgery you are having, and the expected part of the body on which the surgery is being performed, as well as double-checking what you tell them against the documents provided by your doctor's office (for example: X-rays).

Depending on the type of surgery you are having, the person performing your procedure will mark the correct location on your body where the procedure is to be performed.

This is called "site marking" and is a critical step to preventing errors, especially if you are having surgery on one of your arms, legs, hands, fingers, eyes, or ears.  For example, if you are having a cataract removed only from your right eye, the surgeon will make a mark somewhere around your right eye with a surgical marking pen or semi-permanent tattoo.  This is to ensure the correct eye is the one being operated.

The patient, family member, or significant other will participate in the verification process prior to pre-op medication, sedation and anesthesia.

TIME OUT...Once you are taken to the operating room, a "time out" will be completed by the surgical team before beginning your surgery to assure themselves that they are performing the correct procedure at the correct site and on the correct person.

After Surgery:

In the recovery room, you will be under close observation by the anesthesiologist and the recovery room nurses. We encourage all of our doctors to talk to a family member/friend upon completion of your procedure and it is, therefore, important for this person to remain in the building.

Your surgeon will provide post-operative instructions and the Center will provide a written summary of these instructions.

If you had any anesthesia/pain medication, avoid the following for 24 hours:

  • Driving, operating vehicles/equipment/machinery
  • Signing important papers
  • Making important decisions
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages

Should you experience any unexpected complications or concerns, contact your surgeon or his/her designee. If you experience an emergency, call 911.